Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free)
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Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free)

Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free) Order


Price (USD)300

Size ~100 tests ~250 tests ~1000 tests


Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free): The Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit can be used for rapid validation of cell genotype. It overcomes the shortcomings of traditional nucleic acid extraction method, such as large cell consumption, complicated steps for single-cell clone validation, a large time cost and low product purity. Only 3 steps to lyse the nucleic acid of a small number of cells without extraction for PCR detection. Easy to use and this kit can greatly improve the success rate of PCR.

Product Info

This kit is developed for monoclone genotype validation in the process of generating gene-editing cell lines. The validation kit can be used in early growth stage of clones and can screen qualified single clones in advance, and eliminate the cost of culturing large numbers of non-positive clones. It can also shorten the turnaround of 2-4 weeks. The preparation of the genome samples of single-cell clones only takes 15-20 mins. The cells are directly lysed to release the genome and the cell lysate can be used directly in following PCR experiments without purification.Utilizing 96-well plates to simultaneously identify up to hundreds of clones makes high-throughput validation of single-cell clones.

Preferred PCR validation reagent, CloneAmp Taq Mix (+ Dye), are compatible with residual media from crude extracted genomic samples and components after cell lysis that may affect PCR reactions, ensuring validation results can be obtained accurately and quickly.

After a large number of internal tests, the kit can be used for adherent cells, suspension cells, including but not limited to cells of human, mouse, rat or other animal origin. The recommended sample size is 3x103 ~ 105 cells (generally 1x104/well for 96-well plate), and the minimum sample size is not less than 100 cells.

Additionally, Ubigene has released two useful tools (1) the primer design tool for gene editing target site identification (EZ-editor™ high efficiency primer design platform) provided in the Red Cotton™ system and (2) EZ-editor™ Genotype Analysis System (GAS) can assist you more rapidly through the entire single-cell clone validation process.

Kit Components





MicroCell DNA Lysis

Buffer A

10 mL

25 mL

100 mL

Buffer B

1 mL

2.5 mL

10 mL

PCR Validation

CloneAmp Taq Mix(+Dye)

1.25 mL

3.2 mL

12.5 mL

CloneAmp Ctrl

200 μL

500 μL

2 mL

Product Advantage

  • (1) Easy to use: Only 3 steps for the preparation of genomic samples; The cell lysate can be used directly in following PCR experiments without purification; Utilizing 96-well plates to simultaneously identify up to hundreds of clones makes high-throughput validation of single-cell clones.
  • (2) Micro usage of cells: As low as 30-50 cells required, and their genotypes can be identified at the early growth stage of clones, which greatly reduces the experimental turnaround and reduces the cost of experiments.
  • (3) Long term storage: The amount of DNA template contained in the lysate can be used in 20 ~ 30 PCR experiments and can be kept in a low temperature environment for several months, which can meet the need of multiple repeated validation.
  • (4) Preferred reagents: Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free) contains preferred PCR validation reagents that are compatible with residual media from crude extracted genomic samples and components after cell lysis, and so on that may affect PCR reactions, ensuring validation results can be obtained accurately and quickly.
  • (5) Broad applications: Applicable to all types of adherent versus suspension cells,including but not limited to cells of human, mouse, rat or other animal origin, and supports all types of gene editing experiments for positive clone validation.
Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free)

Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free) Order


Price (USD)300

Size ~100 tests ~250 tests ~1000 tests


Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free): The Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit can be used for rapid validation of cell genotype. It overcomes the shortcomings of traditional nucleic acid extraction method, such as large cell consumption, complicated steps for single-cell clone validation, a large time cost and low product purity. Only 3 steps to lyse the nucleic acid of a small number of cells without extraction for PCR detection. Easy to use and this kit can greatly improve the success rate of PCR.

Product Info

This kit is developed for monoclone genotype validation in the process of generating gene-editing cell lines. The validation kit can be used in early growth stage of clones and can screen qualified single clones in advance, and eliminate the cost of culturing large numbers of non-positive clones. It can also shorten the turnaround of 2-4 weeks. The preparation of the genome samples of single-cell clones only takes 15-20 mins. The cells are directly lysed to release the genome and the cell lysate can be used directly in following PCR experiments without purification.Utilizing 96-well plates to simultaneously identify up to hundreds of clones makes high-throughput validation of single-cell clones.

Preferred PCR validation reagent, CloneAmp Taq Mix (+ Dye), are compatible with residual media from crude extracted genomic samples and components after cell lysis that may affect PCR reactions, ensuring validation results can be obtained accurately and quickly.

After a large number of internal tests, the kit can be used for adherent cells, suspension cells, including but not limited to cells of human, mouse, rat or other animal origin. The recommended sample size is 3x103 ~ 105 cells (generally 1x104/well for 96-well plate), and the minimum sample size is not less than 100 cells.

Additionally, Ubigene has released two useful tools (1) the primer design tool for gene editing target site identification (EZ-editor™ high efficiency primer design platform) provided in the Red Cotton™ system and (2) EZ-editor™ Genotype Analysis System (GAS) can assist you more rapidly through the entire single-cell clone validation process.

Kit Components





MicroCell DNA Lysis

Buffer A

10 mL

25 mL

100 mL

Buffer B

1 mL

2.5 mL

10 mL

PCR Validation

CloneAmp Taq Mix(+Dye)

1.25 mL

3.2 mL

12.5 mL

CloneAmp Ctrl

200 μL

500 μL

2 mL

Product Advantage

  • (1) Easy to use: Only 3 steps for the preparation of genomic samples; The cell lysate can be used directly in following PCR experiments without purification; Utilizing 96-well plates to simultaneously identify up to hundreds of clones makes high-throughput validation of single-cell clones.
  • (2) Micro usage of cells: As low as 30-50 cells required, and their genotypes can be identified at the early growth stage of clones, which greatly reduces the experimental turnaround and reduces the cost of experiments.
  • (3) Long term storage: The amount of DNA template contained in the lysate can be used in 20 ~ 30 PCR experiments and can be kept in a low temperature environment for several months, which can meet the need of multiple repeated validation.
  • (4) Preferred reagents: Monoclone Genotype Validation Kit (extraction free) contains preferred PCR validation reagents that are compatible with residual media from crude extracted genomic samples and components after cell lysis, and so on that may affect PCR reactions, ensuring validation results can be obtained accurately and quickly.
  • (5) Broad applications: Applicable to all types of adherent versus suspension cells,including but not limited to cells of human, mouse, rat or other animal origin, and supports all types of gene editing experiments for positive clone validation.


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